8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
68A VIN Inspection-Now offered Request appointment
Administrative Complaint Packet-How can I file a complaint against an employee?
Animal Control - Does Gonzales County have an animal control or vicious dog ordinance?
Burn Ban - Is there a Burn Ban in effect for Gonzales County?
Outdoor burning rules, regulation and guidance
Business Registration - Is there a form to register my business emergency contact information?
Citations - How do I pay for or dispute a ticket I received in Gonzales County?
Crash report-How can I obtain a crash report?
Criminal History- How can I request a copy of my Criminal History?
Estray - What is the process for reporting an estray?
Fingerprints - How can I be fingerprinted for work/employment purposes?
Frequent Patrol - How do I request to have a frequent patrol listed for my property?
Gun Locks - Where can I get a gun lock?
Inmate Funds - How do I place money into an inmates commissary account?
Livestock Registration -Is there a form to register my livestock information for emergency purposes?
Public Information Act Poster-English/Spanish
Record request-English/Spanish
Sheriff's Fees - How much for service fees?
Warrants - I think I have a warrant, can I call the Sheriff's Office to check?
Wrecker Companies - Which wrecker companies does Gonzales County Sheriff's Office use?